Expatriation: the questions to consider

Author : Thai Property group Published on 8 May 2020
Going to Thailand

Before you decide living in Thailand, you should do some basic preparations to make it easier for you to settle down after your move. This “first step” consists in asking yourself about your expectations. Why are you leaving? How do you see your future home? What do you hope on finding there? A number of important questions to ask yourself, because even if the dream aspect is an essential driving force behind your expatriation, you must remain aware of the issues it raises. 

Are you ready to live in Thailand?

Moving permanently to a foreign country such as Thailand will obviously challenge your ability to adapt, and some aspects may confront your values. At first glance, Thai culture may seem a thousand miles away from our Western culture: values, communication style, fashion, language… the culture shock may be felt. But it is good to note that this period of adjustment is only temporary and that once you understand this new culture, you will realize that the kindness and hospitality of the Thai people is not a myth and that it is easy to get used to their culture! Expatriation also means developing curiosity, tolerance and social openness. 

Mastering the Thai language or at least learning to speak it is a good advantage for your expatriation to go smoothly. Not being able to exchange could become a daily handicap. Even if English is widely spoken, knowing the basics of Thai allows a better integration but will also help you to “connect” to your host country. And you will not fail to make the locals smile by making this effort. 

Which city should you choose to live in Thailand?

Have you already determined your city of residence before moving to Thailand?  Ideally, you should visit the cities you are most interested in before making a decision. The advantage of Thailand is that it is full of diverse landscapes and regions that are very different from each other. Located by the sea, in the mountains or in the middle of the land, there is something for everyone. For example, cities for leisure or for active people like Bangkok or Pattaya do not attract the same expatriates as calmer and more touristic cities like Hua Hin or Phuket. 

Do you have social security coverage?

Thailand is one of Asia’s leading countries in terms of health care, however, to benefit from it, you still need to take the necessary steps and include its cost in your budget. Here are a few questions you should ask yourself before your departure. 

  • Will you be covered by your country’s social security abroad ?
  • Will you take out health insurance locally ?
  • If you receive allowances, are you eligible to receive them while living abroad ?

Have you checked your eligibility for a permanent visa type?

Whether you are an expatriate, retiree, investor or future head of your own business, you need a visa to stay in Thailand. Obtaining a permanent visa is a serious matter that should be studied carefully, since there are many different types of visas (resident, work, student, retiree…), with different deadlines, different costs but also different procedures. 

Have you checked your eligibility for a permanent visa type?

Whether you are an expatriate, retiree, investor or future head of your own business, you need a visa to stay in Thailand. Obtaining a permanent visa is a serious matter that should be studied carefully, since there are many different types of visas (resident, work, student, retiree…), with different deadlines, different costs but also different procedures. 

Are you afraid of leaving and living far away from your relatives in Thailand?

Thailand is an 11 hour flight (direct) from Paris, some people consider that it is after all only one night spent in a plane, others that it is on the other side of the world.  Honestly, both are a bit true. Homesickness may be felt at some point during your trip, but applications such as Skype prove to be good alternatives to “see” your loved ones. 

Cost of living in Thailand

Thailand has, as everyone knows, a much lower cost of living than in Western countries. However, you should check that your budget will allow you to live properly in this country. The cost of living has increased in recent years but remains low compared to that of France, for example. Budgeting your daily expenses can help you plan for sufficient money. If you want to invest in Thailand or rent an apartment or a house, TPG can help you to answer all your questions regarding the financing of such acts.

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